Me and Skaren rap battled, then he got pissed.
This is what happened.
My Rap:
Yo, Skaren is whack,
And Milo is black,
And they have no dailies,
While I'm sipping on Bailies,
Irish cream,
Wake me from this dream,
Cause this little bitch faggot,
Just stepped to me,
We're gonna fuck all night,
Til the dawns first light,
And the children in my lap,
Aren't all right,
And It ain't no crime,
with all the milk that I'm
spewing on their faces,
Cause I'm pulling up Aces,
I slam my chips on the table,
and you know that I win,
Unlike NightOwl,
A muslim Mexican,
I don't know how that works,
Since I'm his Dad,
But the fucking Sand n****r,
Should go back to Iran.
Skarens Rap:
Taco's teeny tiny balls sag,
His ass bleeds when he's fucked, fag,
N****r's like a woman, a nag,
He ain't got no "uhuhuhu, suhwag."
Faggot n****r has no life to lead,
Spends his life on Soup Squad and releasing seed,
Too bad though, cause once his sperm is freed,
He wants a rag, or a vacuum, he'll need.
[Retracted due to attacking someone that didn't need to be insulted]
Idiotic Jew walks around in a Yamika,
Makes me miss the days of swastikas,
Hope this n****r gets shot with a ballista,
Or better yet, dies from anoxia.
This is what happened afterwards.
[12:59:04 AM] Taco Soup: Swastika doesn't rhyme
[12:59:09 AM] Skaren: It fucking rhymes.
[12:59:10 AM] Taco Soup: with ballista
[12:59:13 AM] Skaren: Fuck you, dirty Jew.
[12:59:15 AM] *** Skaren removed Taco Soup from this conversation. ***
[12:59:19 AM] Skaren: Does ballista rhyme with swastika, Dix?
[1:00:31 AM] Skaren: ANSWER ME, DIX.
[1:00:49 AM] Myles X Walker: uhh..
[1:00:57 AM] Myles X Walker: You can make it rhyme.
[1:00:59 AM] Myles X Walker: But no
[1:01:01 AM] Myles X Walker: It dont
[1:01:02 AM | Edited 1:01:06 AM] Myles X Walker: yo
[1:01:22 AM] Skaren: "bahl-ist-uh."
[1:01:26 AM] Skaren: "Swast-ik-uh."
[1:01:34 AM] Skaren: Shit rhymes.
[1:02:33 AM] Milo: I am done with Skype.
[1:01:42 AM] Skaren: Fuck you n****rs.
[1:01:43 AM] Myles: lol
[1:01:48 AM] Skaren: And fuck the prior sand n****rs.
[1:01:58 AM] Myles: I mean
[1:02:02 AM] Myles: It sort of rhymes
[1:02:06 AM] Myles: You can make it
[1:02:08 AM] Myles: yo