Reminded me so much of flash animations from the early 2000's
This movie has been inserted into my favorite flashes.
Reminded me so much of flash animations from the early 2000's
This movie has been inserted into my favorite flashes.
Haha, yea those old flashes were what enthralled me from an early age and lead to me now studying animation.
I feel honored that my flash has been favorited, thank you very much =)
Pretty Good
Its very original...
For a Nyan Remix...
I like the idea, but I see too many Nyan submissions now a days.
Viva La Revolucion!
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
Join SoupSquad and be enlightened.
Im basing my score off of the humor. The animation isnt as flowing as I would like it to be but its alright. Try next time to invest more time into it. Also come up with a joke before hand, I think you just improvised your animation as you went along. A joke that has been structured is better than one randomly thrown up.
Your actually right. I was talking to my friend the whole time I was making this. It had no structure what-so-ever. It only tooke a matter of 30 minutes. Im not used to the program, I just got it a week ago and i've been making little things to get the feel of it. This is a little stupid project I made. But thanks, always good to have critisism :D
Is it strange...
Is it strange that I cried?
Loved it...
Except you had no music!...
Good job though!
There was a file size limit of 1 megabyte for the competition, and I realized that adding sound would've taken it over that.
Thanks, though!
This was the single greatest experience of my life.
Gangsta N***a...
Another white man not afraid to say the dreaded N word.
Love you Adam.
Funny, long as fuck but funny...
after I watched it 3 times I realized something pretty funny...
I wasnt logged in...
so, fuck me no medals... FUCk
Liked it alot
Grateful and recovering Addict/Alcoholic
Age 30
Tulsa, OK
Joined on 12/25/09